Artist Spotlight: Anders Muskens

Greetings everybody!

Can you believe it’s almost Christmas? Time flies, doesn’t it?

Things have been very busy, both in music and in my life. But I am pleased to say that my music rehearsals with Cynthia Ganga on the lullaby project are going very well, and we are almost ready to start recording! We will have some great music coming your way in the new year, so stay tuned!

In the meantime though, I actually want to spotlight a recently released album with you. My brother, Anders Muskens, has recently released his new album on Spotify. It is titled, Mozart & CPE Bach Fantasias on a 1791 Fortepiano. Anders recorded all of these classical keyboard fantasias on an authentic 18th century period fortepiano. Before you go, please give this wonderful album a listen!


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